Make Your Party Memorable with These 3 Tips and a Bubble Bump Game

Setting up a party has always been a joy to a lot of people—parents putting up together something for their kids, a friend preparing a surprise celebration, relatives throwing a send-off gathering for a family member—there are just plenty of reasons to throw a party. What is interesting is that these days, people become smarter in planning parties and more creative in the process. But let’s admit it. Planning and executing a party can be stressful. If you want to pull-off a great party, here are some tips you might want to add on top of that checklist.


Don’t do it by yourself. Sure, there are certain celebrations that are so special to you that you want to do it alone—don’t. You will be putting yourself up to a load of stress and you might end up spending more than what is actually planned. Commission your friends to throw in their ideas and help in the process. You might certainly have a buddy who has a way with drinks—ask him to create a special blend for your party; walk up to your favorite aunt and ask her to help you make a couple of that dessert she serves on family events; commission your brother to help you with the sounds and lights on the big day so you wouldn’t have to worry about technical problems. These may seem like little things but it you will be surprised at how much time and effort it would save you.


Plan a doable menu. Consider the time you have and the number of people you are expecting. These two things should be your major considerations when planning your party menu. If you want to do an elaborate meal, then plan ahead early. However, if you are running low on time and just want to make sure that everyone is happily fed, then go for a meal plan that gives you just that. A meal need not to be fancy to be good. Go with your guts and prepare your specialty—and make sure you prepare a good amount of it to make sure that everyone can go for a second and a third serving. If you plan to order food from a restaurant or a caterer, go for the bestsellers—they are bestsellers for a reason and if you want to make sure, you can always go for a taste test.


Prepare fun activities. You have good food, great setup, and a good number of people in your party. Why not make it a little more interesting by preparing games and activities that your guests will love and will make your party memorable? If you want a personal touch, you can come up with a question game which centers on the celebrant—this would definitely make the celebrant feel more special. On the other hand, if you want your guests to relax on their own, you can setup physical games like bubble bump game or better known as bubble soccer. Singapore is catching up on this trend so it seems as the activity continue to be a regular in parties. Guests enjoy the activity as it provides physical challenge and makes celebrations more fun.

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